Learn Tajweed Rules Online

Do you want to learn tajweed rules online but find every content very much difficult to understand???

So ,here  is a complete easy guide of tajweed rules for beginners

It’s like an online academy where you can learn all tajweed rules online about the Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies

We have awesome teachers who use the best techniques for learning tajweed rules  to help you read the Quran perfectly.

It’s super fun to have with us this course, and you can explore lots of different courses. Come and join us and discover the joy of learning!

What Is Tajweed?

Tajweed is like a special Rulebook for reading the Quran with tajweed.

It teaches us how to pronounce each letter correctly and use the right techniques when we read the Quran out loud.

The word “Tajweed” comes from an Arabic word that means “Making Something EXCELLENT.

Why there is a need to learn Tajweed Rules?

Back in History, when Islam was spreading,

many people who weren’t Arabs started to learn the Quran.

learn tajweed rules online

But sometimes they didn’t pronounce the words correctly.

So, Islamic scholars started to make a set of rules to help everyone read the Quran perfectly with all necessary tajweed rules.

They wrote down these rules, and it’s believed that one of the first people to do this was  IMAM ABU UBAID AL QASIM.

Is learning Tajweed rules Mendatory Or Only Desirable?

  • Reciting the Quran with Tajweed means pronouncing it perfectly.
  • All scholars say it’s a must.
  • Some old scholars say certain rules are a must, like how to say “Noon” and “Tanween.”
  • If you break these rules, it’s like breaking a big rule in Islam, and that’s not good.
  • It’s all about keeping the Quran sounding right, like how the Arabs did it.
  • If you want to learn more, you may contact us. 

Ibn Ghazi said in his explanation:

“Al-Wajib fi ‘Ilm Al-Tajweed” is divided into two divisions—-One of them is religious:

  • All reciters have agreed upon it. that the following rules must be implemented while reading Quran
  • Ikhfa
  • Idghaam
  • Izhaar
  • Iqlaab
  • madd

Whoever disregards this obligation shall be considered as Fasiq (dissolute), and he commits a major sin, as indicated by the previous 


“Recite the Quran with the modulations and tones of the Arabs.” 

Learn Tajweed Rules Online

Importance of Learn Tajweed rules online according to Hadith and Quran:

In the Quran, it says to recite it carefully and slowly.

It’s like when you’re reading a story and you want to make sure you say each word right.

This is called “tarteel”, and it means to read carefully and precisely. 

prophet SAW said about how important it is to recite the Quran this way. He said,

روى أبو هريرة: قال النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “سيُؤمَّكَ قارِئُ القرآنِ الذي قَرَأَ بهِ على حاله في الدُّنيا ويُؤمَّكَ تارِّتاً في الجنة، ويَقرُّ ما قرأ

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,

A person who reads the Quran nicely will be asked to keep on reciting and climbing up in Paradise, and to recite with the same style they used to read in this world.

QURAN73.6 وَارْتَلِ الْقُرْ‌آنَ تَرْ‌تِيلًا

 “And recite the Quran with measured recitation.”

Sunan Abi Dawud 1464

Basic know how of Arabic Alphabets for tajweed rules online:

Before starting TO Learn Tajweed Rules Online START with basic tajweed rules for beginners you must have complete knowledge of Arabic Alphabets.

There 28 Arabic alphabets,

all of which are consonants.

the Arabic language does not represent short vowels,

we will explore it complete guide on Arabic alphabets.

Arabic letters with tajweed pronunciation

The Arabic alphabet has 28 basic letters, plus one more called hamzah (ء).

The word “ال” (al-) in Arabic means “the,”

and it’s made of two letters:

  • Alif
  • followed by Laam.

When the word after it starts with a “moon letter,” the Lam is pronounced,

but when it starts with a “sun letter,” the laam becomes part of the next letter.

Correct Sounds of Arabic letters to learn tajweed rules online :

There are 17 places in your mouth where you make sounds to say the Arabic letters.

Some letters are pronounced with a “heavy accent” because you squeeze your voice box or make the sound deeper,

For example: the letter “ر”(raa’) is heavy if it has a fatḥah or ḍammah above it, but light if it has a kasrah or if it comes at the end of a sentence.

check out Emission points of Arabic letters (Makhaarij Al-Huruuf)


  • Deep Throat

  • Mid-Throat

  • Upper Throat


  •  Far Tongue 

  • Mid-Tongue

  • Hard Palate

  •  Tip of Tongue,

  • Front Palate8)

  • , Upper Front Teeth9)

  • Tip Bottom of Tongue, Upper Front Teeth

  •  Side Tongue

  • Tip of Tongue

Upper Front Teeth

  • Tip of Tongue,

  • Lower Front Teeth

  •  Tip of Tongue

  • Edge of Front Teeth


  •  Lower Lip,

  •  Upper and Lower Lips

  • Short Vowels

  •  Ghunnah: Nasal Cavity

The letter “ل” (lam) is heavy only in the word “Allah.” If it comes after a kasrah, it’s light, like in “Bismillah.”

while others have a “light accent” and are pronounced normally.

tajweed rules book


Arabic is a beautiful language with an alphabet that’s quite unique!

At Madina Quran Academy, learning Tajweed rules for quran reading and Quran memorization remains an integral part of their curriculum,

emphasizing the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran according to established rules. 

Let’s begin , some interesting aspects of the Quranic Tajweed rules and pronunciation ;

Emphatic Letters for tajweed:(tajweed rule)

to Learn Tajweed Rules Online there are special letters called emphatic consonants. These include

They’re pronounced with a “heavy accent,” making them sound deeper.

This is done by squeezing your voice box or making the sound deeper with your throat.

Thickness and Thinness Rule of tajweed:(tajweed rule)

When it comes to letters like ر (raa) and ل (laam), their pronunciation can change based on the vowels around them.

For example: ر is “heavy” when it has a fatḥah or ḍammah (two types of Arabic vowels) but “light” when it has a kasrah (another type of vowel). Similarly, ل is only heavy when it’s in the word

Prolongation rule of Tajweed:(tajweed rule)

Let’s simplify the Rules Of Prolongation in the Quran.

Here are some rules of prolongation to Learn Tajweed Rules Online commonly observed in reciting the Quran:

Hme rules of prolongation commonly observed in reciting the Quran:

Here are some rules of prolongation commonly observed in reciting the Quran:

  • This occurs when a letter with a sukun (a sign indicating the absence of a vowel) is followed by a long vowel (a fatḥah, ḍammah, or kasrah)
  • then an elongated letter (alif, ya or waw).
  • The elongation lasts for two counts.
  • here are examples of Madd Asli (Original Prolongation) in Arabic:

Example 1

Word: سَمَاءً (samaan)——————–2 counts elongation

Example 2:

Word: كِتَابًا (kitaaban)——————–2 counts elongation

Explanation: In this word, the letter ت (taa) has a sukun and is followed by a long vowel (fatḥah) and then the elongated letter (alif). As a result, the “t” sound is prolonged.

Learn tajweed with our expert tutors,and get the ajar of reading the Quran perfectly.

Mad Fari (Secondary Prolongation):

This type of prolongation occurs when certain letters are followed by a silent alif.

This silent alif is not written but is pronounced, extending the duration of the preceding vowel sound.

It usually occurs at the end of a word or syllable.

For example
in the word “رَحْمَةً” (rahmatan), the second letter م (meem) is followed by a silent alif, prolonging the preceding vowel sound.

Learn Tajweed Rules Online
Madina Quran Academy

3.Madd Laazim (Compulsory Prolongation):

This type of prolongation occurs when a letter with a sukoon is followed by a long vowel,

regardless of whether there is an elongated letter after it. It’s a compulsory prolongation and lasts for two counts

For example,

Yaseenيسين, , here is specific type of long sound always has to be six beats long.

In Surah Yaseen, there are several examples of the “madd lazim” rule, where a specific type of long sound always has to be six beats long. One example is in verse 12:

4.Madd Waajib Muttasil (Connected Obligatory Prolongation):

This prolongation occurs when two identical letters with a sukun are separated by a short vowel (kasrah or ḍammah),

with a word boundary between them. It’s mandatory to prolong the first letter for two counts.

For example,

in the word “قَالَ” (qaala), the letter ق (qaaf) has a sukun, followed by a short vowel (fatḥah), and then another ق with a sukun, resulting in prolongation.

These rules of prolongation are crucial for correct recitation of the Quran, as they affect the rhythm and pronunciation of words, contributing to the beauty and eloquence of the recitation.

“Inna arsalna ‘alayhim reehan sarsaran fee yawmi nahsin mustamirr.”
Here, the word “mustamirr” has a “madd lazim” because the long sound on the letter “ra” has to be stretched to six beats every time it appears in recitation,

(Surah Yaseen, 36:12)

Sakinah Letters:(tajweed rule)

There are four rules of tajweed applied to noon saakinah and tanween

These are letters that don’t have any vowels attached to them.

They can change their pronunciation based on the letters that come after them.
There are two main types of Sakina letters:

1.Noon Sakina (نُون سَاكِنَة):

This is when the letter ن (nun) is followed by a sukun (a mark showing no vowel). Here are three examples:
Word أَنْعَمْتَ: The ن (nun) has a sukun and

2.Meem Sakinah (مِيم سَاكِنَة):

This occurs when the letter م (meem) has a sukun. Here are examples:

Word: أمٌّ (umm)

Explanation: The م (meem) is followed by another م and then a vowel, extending the “m” sound.

learn Rules Of Noon Sakinah:(tajweed rule)

There are four rules of tajweed applied to noon saakinah and tanween :izhaar, idhgham ,iqlaab,ikhfa

1.Izhaar (Clear Pronunciation):

Izhaar means saying certain letters clearly without blending them with others.

It’s like saying “nnn” and “mmm” without making them sound like something else.


The huroof (letters) of izhaar, which require clear pronunciation without blending with adjacent letters, are:
أ – hamzah
ح – Ha
خ – Kha
ع – Ain
غ – Ghain
هـ – Ha with a tail (Ha’ Marbuta)

2.Idghaam (Merging Sounds)

Idghaam is when one letter kind of hides inside another.

Like when “nnn” or “mmm” join with “b,” “m,” or “y,” they merge together.

The letters involved in idgham are:
ي (Ya)
ن (Noon)
م (Meem)
و (Waw)


عَدّوا مُبِينٌ


here’s an idghaam happening between the letters “waw” (و) and “meem” (م).

This means that the “meem” sound blends into the “waw” sound, resulting in a single pronounced letter.

So, “meem” merges with “waw” to form a single pronounced letter,

rather than being pronounced separately.

3.Iqlaab (Changing Sound):

Iqlaab is when “noon” changes into “meem” when it meets,

It’s like a secret change in the sound.


تَرْ‌مِيهِم بِحِجَارَ‌ةٍ


In the phrase “تَرْ‌مِيهِم بِحِجَارَ‌ةٍ” (tarmeehim bihijaratin), there’s an example of iqlab.

The letter “م” (meem) in “تَرْ‌مِيهِم” is followed by the letter “ب” (ba),

which is one of the letters of iqlab.

4.Ikhfa (Hidden Sound):

Ikhfa is like whispering the sound of “nnn” or “mmm” when they come before “t” or “th.”

It’s not loud, but you can still hear it a little.


مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ


In this verse, the ikhfaa occurs between the letter “ن” (noon) with a sukun and the letter “ش” (sheen)

which follows it. The “ن” (noon) sound merges into the “ش” (sheen) sound

without being distinctly pronounced.

Qalqalah(tajweed rule)

  • This is a rule that adds a slight “bounce” to certain letters in Arabic.
  • These letters include ق (qaaf), ط (taa), د (daal), ج (jim), and ب (baa). This bounce adds a little extra sound to the letter, making it unique

Rules of Laam(tajweed rule)

In Quranic recitation, the letters are pronounced with different characteristics.

One of these is Laam, which has specific rules governing its pronunciation.

These rules dictate whether Laam should be pronounced with emphasis (Tafkheem) or lightness (Tarqeeq) based on its position and context within the word.

Example of Ismein Jalalt

An illustration of the application of Tafkheem and Tarqeeq can be found in words that begin with the name of Allah,

denoted by “Ismein Jalalt.”

In such instances, certain letters are pronounced with emphasis, reflecting reverence and honor for the name of Allah.

Laam Before the Name of Allah

When Laam appears before the name of Allah, it is often recited with a particular emphasis to signify the reverence

importance associated with invoking the name of the Almighty.

Laam Without the Name of Allah

However, when Laam occurs without the name of Allah,

its pronunciation may vary based on the context and rules of recitation.

In such cases, it may not necessarily require the same level of emphasis as when it precedes the name of Allah.

tafkheem and tarqeeq:(tajweed rule)

To summarize, Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are techniques used in Quranic recitation

It is used to emphasize or lighten the pronunciation of certain letters, particularly Laam, based on specific rules and contexts.

These rules govern the pronunciation of Laam, especially in relation to the name of Allah, ensuring the proper reverence and respect in Quranic recitation.


Tajweed as it plays a vital role in understanding the meanings of the Quranic verses.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to recite the Quran with elongations of sounds,

as we are taught today in Tajweed rules. Neglecting madd,

therefore, means we are not reciting the Quran as it was revealed.

Thus, it is essential to Learn Tajweed Rules Online the correct way of reciting verses and understand the various types of madd in the Quran and their applications.

At Madina Quran Academy, we offer online courses to help our Muslim brothers and sisters improve their Quranic recitation and earn Allah’s satisfaction.

Our qualified tutors teach the Quran in the most affordable and efficient way,

Making it easy for students to pronounce the verses correctly.

Therefore, to understand the types of madd and become proficient in their application,

join our Online Tajweed Classes today.

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